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If you have a complaint

Our goal is for our customers to always be satisfied with our services. Therefore, it is important that you contact us if you believe that we have acted incorrectly.
If it regards an advisory situation, you should first turn to your broker or advisor. A conversation is often enough to clear up any misunderstandings. If you still feel that you have been treated incorrectly after talking to your broker, you can request a review from the person responsible for complaints at Säkra.

Head of complaints

Säkra has a centralized complaint handling, which means that Säkra AB handles all complaints made against companies within the group.

Säkra AB
Att: Pontus André
Box 5775
114 87 Stockholm
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Säkra has statutory permissions for its operations which can be confirmed with the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket) and the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen).

851 81 Sundsvall
0771-67 06 70
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Box 6750
113 85 Stockholm
08-408 980 00
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Liability insurance

Säkra has its statutory liability insurance taken out with W. R. Berkley Insurance AG, Svensk Filial through Säkra AB.

Claims are handled by Crawford & Company (Sweden) AB. All claims for insurance compensation or notifications of events related to the insurance must be sent in writing to:

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Crawford & Company (Sweden) AB
Box 6044
171 06 Solna

Free guidance

For free guidance regarding complaints, you can contact the following bodies:

Bank, mutual funds, securities and insurance

Konsumenternas Bank- och finansbyrå och Konsumenternas försäkringsbyrå
Box 24215
104 51 Stockholm
0200 - 22 58 00

Personal finance and law

If you are a consumer and need guidance
The Swedish Consumer Agency provides guidance directly to you as a consumer. You can find answers to various consumer problems at You can also get advise about your finances or file a report if you think a company has made a mistake. Visit:

Contact details for consumer counselors in your municipality can be found at: